What should I expect at my introductory meeting?

Our introductory meeting gives us a chance to learn more about you, discover some of your goals and priorities, answer questions about our process, and discuss what next steps are best for you.  Since most of our relationships are lifelong, and often multi-generational, it's important all of us feel this is the right strategic fit.  Maybe we’re a good fit, maybe not.  Either way, we want to help and at least get you headed in the right direction.

What to bring. . . well that’s up to you!  No pressure from us.  If you have specific questions, feel free to bring statements and information on the items most on your mind.  Here are some examples:

  • Statements for bank, investment, and retirement accounts
  • Pension information 
  • Social Security estimated benefit statements
  • Tax return
  • Mortgage documents
  • Insurance policy information
  • Pay stubs